Tuesday, March 3, 2009

weeeell i went to the gym today.
i think i'm gonna suffer alot in NS.


i think its very nice that everyone around you is concerned for your A lvl results, even though they aren't the ones getting it. sigh, as much as i don't want to let people down, i think that it's causing me to worry.
worry cause i have to meet people's expectations

hope that this week leading up to friday will be good. God bless us please!!

squash tmr with hccg grads :D

on a random note: a random FML from www.fmylife.com!
Today, I told my dad I was leaving to get some beauty sleep. He looked at me laughing and said "See you in a decade." FML

HAHAHAHA oh man i feel so bad and good at the same time! reading how other people's lives are so messy, whoops me :P

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