Monday, March 9, 2009

i am fretting over transport expenses!

i topped up $10 on saturday and it's practically all gone within 3 days

hrmph but it's an exception this time i think.
made many trips over the weekend!

but today was the frustrating!!!
went all the way down to CMPB, then arrived 15 minutes late, and the medical officer refused to see me.
have to go all the way down tmr again >_>
gah the journey involves 3 different buses and around 70 minutes!

have to wake up at 8am tmr nooooooooooooooooooooooo

had father's birthday dinner just now. good foods!!
but i'm super super stuffed now. couldn't even eat my turtle jelly (guilinggao)

i realised that my dad, sis and brother are all super good conversationalists..
they strike up conversations easily and people are compelled to join in. and they have easy laughter which eases awkward situations/ silence.
i am lacking that particular gene!!!

ah i'm quite incoherent, cause i'm tired. haha off to watch the perfect cut!


  1. hello! :D haha ur blog also very nice ma :) got some very inspiring posts :D haha XD
