Thursday, March 12, 2009


i have finished buying all my stuff.
most things settled already

why do i feel like i'm going to die tomorrow!?


k it's just me and my nerves.
but i need to thank GOD for many people!

yinghan for meeting me on wed
jonathan, melvin and jiexun for accompanying me to army market!
i ran out of money cause i didn't anticipate that army stuff would cost so much. haha! wanted to treat drinks, then no money so malu. ended up they treat me HAHA argh. -dies-
many many people for msn-ing and sms-ing me tips, encouragements etc :)
raphael for meeting me later. he's gonna watch as i cut my hair. i wonder if i'll start tearing as the hair falls. >_>
wa wa and some people are sending me off tomorrow too i think! i'm really quite touched, cause i think i won't have the.. devotion to travel all the way down just to see someone for a short while.

wa i feel so loved. :D

k although i terrified by NS, i think God+ people will sustain me through!

if you're reading this, do pray for me!!
sms me encouraging sms-es, worship lyrics, what you learnt recently from QT, anything spiritual at all okay!
remind me of my identity, cause i'm afraid that i'll forget who i am.

sms me maybe next friday? haha that'll be when i'm 1/2way through confinement. most likely will be chui :P

thank you!!! i hope my spare imitation phone battery doesn't die or explode my handphone.


p.s. downloading hillsong albums to put into my phone hehehe.

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